Kevin Bledsoe on Creating a Productive Work Schedule
One of the most common reasons people struggle with time management is how difficult it can be to use their time effectively. However, people can improve their daily performance by implementing practical productivity tips and staying consistent with an efficient schedule.
A strategy is necessary to ensure you can get the work done efficiently. Several guiding principles will help you set goals and manage your schedule.
Focus on Purpose
We tend to get carried away by the endless tasks that we do daily. Although we can rely on our determination and grit to finish them, this can sap our energy. Instead, focus on the reason for your work.
In his book Start With Why , Simon Sinek states that the goal of a person or organization is to reach its purpose.
Instead of saying, “Because I have to,” or “Because someone told me to,” focus on the reason for your life. For instance, an individual might want to provide a safe and happy environment for their children. On the other hand, a business’s why might be focused on helping others succeed.
You can do many tasks each day, and without a set of priorities, you might spend time doing something that doesn’t get you anywhere. Setting priorities can help you allocate time and focus on the critical things in life.
To achieve your objectives, first identify what you need to get done in a specific order to reach your why. List them down, and then put them at the top of your priority list.
One of the most important factors people can consider when setting goals is having a definite direction. Having a plan helps them make a path toward their goals.
Estimate Time Commitments
Before you start working on a project, it’s crucial that you determine the amount of time that it will take to complete it.
One of the most common mistakes people make when it comes to scheduling is not accurately estimating the amount of time they will spend on a project. Over-or-under-estimates can lead to them throwing off their entire schedule, which can also affect their employees and customers.
You and your team must be honest with yourselves. For instance, how long does it take you to answer an email or write a thousand words? Having a realistic schedule can help you plan your actions and improve your chances of success.
Be Strategic
In his book, The 4-Hour Work Week, Tim Ferriss writes that people should be able to work less. He said that in today’s competitive environment, people might feel like they have to work all the time. But what if we could use our time in a way that allows us to do what we want instead?
In his book, Ferriss states that people should adopt a work smarter strategy by developing systems that make it impossible for them to misbehave. This strategy can help them avoid relying on their willpower.
One of the most effective ways to work smarter is by identifying the times of the day when you are most productive. This can help you schedule specific tasks for that period. If you’re a night owl, you should take advantage of this time to complete some of your work.
You should also be strategic. There are many ways to achieve your objectives, but when choosing the path that will best suit your needs, consider the risks and rewards.
Originally published at on December 23, 2022.